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I.1) Name and addresses
Czech Republic – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
European 2589 / 33b
160 00
Czech Republic
Contact person: Petr Powell, Iora legal, advokátní kancelář sro, Novodvorská
1010/14, 142 00 Prague 4-Lhotka
Telephone: +420 606810032
NUTS code: CZ010
Internet address (es):
I.2) Joint procurement
I.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge
Additional information can be obtained from the above mentioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local authorities
I.5) Main Activity
Other activity: general public administration activities, regulation, and support
business environment
II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:
The acquisition of the 2017+ foreign search application.
Reference number: GACR_01
II.1.2) CPV code Main
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description:
The subject of this public procurement is the acquisition of an application for foreign search
of opponents, allowing to find optimal (best matching) foreign opponents (exclude
from the offer of Czech and Slovak scientists, or identify foreigners who work in
CR) of the project by analyzing the project data (project name, name of the applicant and
in particular the project abstract) and their comparison with the data in the worldwide database of articles.
The subject of this public contract is the supply of an existing, created application,
the subject of this public contract is not the development of a new information system.
A detailed definition of the subject of performance is specified in the tender dossier.
II.1.5) Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 4 500 000.00 CZK ~172.000 EUR
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2) Description
II.2.1) Title:
II.2.2) Additional CPV code (s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code: CZ010
Main site or place of performance:
At the headquarters of the contracting authority, in other places in the Czech Republic designated by the Contracting Authority.
The application must be accessible via the web interface and be run on
vendor servers.
II.2.4) Description of the procurement:
The subject of this public procurement is the acquisition of an application for foreign search
of opponents, allowing to find optimal (best matching) foreign opponents (exclude
from the offer of Czech and Slovak scientists, or identify foreigners who work in
CR) of the project by analyzing the project data (project name, name of the applicant and
in particular the project abstract) and their comparison with the data in the worldwide database of articles.
The subject of this public contract is the supply of an existing, created application,
the subject of this public contract is not the development of a new information system.
Applying simultaneously with finding optimal opponents based on semantic
comparison based on a suitable number of so-called thesaurus and assignment
potentially suitable opponents to individual project applications must be able to
perform analysis of citation performance of potential opponents and identify potential
conflicts of interest resulting from both co-authorship and institutional affiliations.
An optimal foreign opponent is a respected professional in the industry
proven professional qualification in the field (for example, the amount of citation performance – H-
The system must be able to work with the following industry thesauri (the number of which should not be final and more should be added):
Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics, Medicine and Life Sciences, Geosciences, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry. The application must be able to perform a semantic analysis of the abstract and create a so-
Imprint of a project (individual terms and keywords have a certain weight and based on them the application’s forces must make a comparison with records in the worldwide database of articles – compare the text of the abstract of the project and the petitioner’s keywords with the abstracts of the articles listed in a worldwide database of articles and identify articles that are thematic closest proposed project (best matching)).
If the Czech draftsman of the project writes poor or inadequate abstract of the project (for example, a word expression is repeated in the abstracts of the project but it does not have anything to do with the research itself), the application must allow it the person who searches for a foreign opponent, to strengthen or weaken the weight of the individual or add more keywords. Additionally, the application must allow execution the choice of the thesaurus other than the one offered by the project based on the abstracts of the project, if is the theme of a multidisciplinary project proposal, and another thesaurus appears to be more appropriate for finding the optimal opponent.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Identifies the application as an optimal potential foreign opponent for project quality assessment and peer review of author articles most in agreement with the project proposal.The application must also be available on the list of all foreign opponents found identify a potential conflict of interest (identifying the number of joint publications in years, or a common institutional affiliation).
The application also has to offer a list of opponents in so-called clusters (clustered). An optimal foreign opponent is often a person with a very high quote index and hence the person very busy, which would most likely did not respond to the request for an opinion. Therefore, the application must offer a cluster his co-authors on the topic where it is possible to select an opponent from this cluster, which has a slightly lower citation index and is at the same time a presumption on the topic research has worked with our optimal opponent and will be the biggest likely to respond to a possible call for cooperation. At the same time, the advertiser asks the application to be able to cover at least below areas, workspaces, and at the same time allowed for search at least in these the provider of explicitly defined workspaces. Workspaces are the same as individual Grant Agencies of the Czech Republic and the Ministry healthcare, respectively. Agency for Health Research of the Czech Republic) – for more info, see ZD incl.
II.2.5) Award criteria
Criteria below
Quality criterion – Name: Application Quality / Weighting: 40
Price – Weighting: 60
II.2.6) Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 4 500 000.00 CZK
II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic Purchasing System
Duration in months: 36
This contract is subject to renewal: no
II.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11) Information about options
Options: no
II.2.12) Information about electronic catalogs
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and / or program financed by European
Union funds: no
II.2.14) Additional information
III.1) Conditions for participation
III.1.1) Suitability PURSUE that the professional activity, Including requirements Relating to
enrolment on professional or trade registers
List and brief description of conditions:
The Supplier shall prove the fulfillment of its professional competence by submitting:
– in relation to the Czech Republic by extracting from the Commercial Register or extract from another
similar records, if another legal regulation requires registration in such records, according to
Section 77 (1) of the ZZVZ,
– a certificate of authorization for business pursuant to special legal regulations in the scope
the relevant subject of the public contract, in particular a document proving the relevant
trade license or license, pursuant to Section 77 (2) a) ZZVZ.
The sponsor determines that this qualification requirement is met to the extent
of the trade license corresponding to the subject of the performance of the public contract.
If the legislation in the country of the Supplier’s home does not require a professional professional
eligibility, Supplier is not required to submit the above documents.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
III.1.2) Economic and financial standing
III.1.3) Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
III.1.5) Information about reserved contracts’
III.2) Conditions related to the contract
III.2.2) Contract performance conditions:
III.2.3) Information about staff Responsible for the performance of the contract
IV.1) Description
IV.1.1) Type of procedure
Open procedure
IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a Dynamic Purchasing System
IV.1.4) information about reduction of the number of solutions or tenders During
negotiation or dialogue
IV.1.6) Information about electronic auction
IV.1.8) information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no
IV.2) Administrative information
IV.2.1) Previous publication Concerning this procedure
IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 30/10/2017
Local time: 10:00
IV.2.3) Estimated Date of dispatch of the invitations tender or not participate the selected
IV.2.4) Languages In Which tenders or requests that participate May be Submitted:
IV.2.6) Minimum time frame During Which the tenderer must Maintain the tender
Duration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
IV.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 30/10/2017
Local time: 9:51
Novodvorská 1010/14, 142 00 Praha 4.
Information about authorized persons and opening procedure:
The opening of the envelopes may be attended by representatives of the tenderers, whose
the tenders were delivered to the contracting authority by the end of the period. For organizational reasons, it is limited
the number of representatives of each tenderer per 1 natural person.
For more details see ZD.
VI.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.2) Information about electronic workflows
VI.3) Additional information:
The contractor is required to prove the fulfillment of the basic qualification in accordance with § 75 of the APAA
by submitting documents that will indicate that the Supplier meets the requirements for
basic qualification according to § 74 of the ZZVZ.
Eligible is the Supplier who:
(a) he has not been in the country of his registered office in the last 5 years before the start of the procurement procedure
is legally sentenced for the offense listed in Schedule 3 of the HCAA or the like
an offense under the law of the country of the supplier’s place of residence; to the condemned condemnation
if the Contractor is a legal entity, the above ability must meet these
a legal entity and at the same time each member of the statutory body. If he is a member of the statutory body
the Supplier’s legal entity must comply with the abovementioned eligibility
– this legal person,
– any member of the statutory body of that legal person,
– the person representing this legal entity in the statutory body of the contractor;
if the Supplier is a branch of a Czech legal entity, it must be mentioned above
the ability to meet this legal person, each member of the statutory body and the manager
branch offices. If a member of the statutory body of the Contractor is a legal person, he must
have the above ability to meet
– this legal person,
Any member of the statutory body of that legal person, and
– the person representing this legal entity in the statutory body of the contractor;
if the supplier is a branch of a foreign legal entity, it must be mentioned above
the ability to meet this legal entity and branch manager;
b) has no due date in the Czech Republic or in the country of its registered office
tax arrears;
(c) he has no outstanding arrears in the Czech Republic or in his country of residence
or penalties for public health insurance;
(d) he has no arrears in insurance premiums in the Czech Republic or in his country of residence
or a social security penalty and a contribution to the state employment policy;
e) is not in liquidation pursuant to the provisions of § 187 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, v
valid wording against which no decision on bankruptcy has been issued under §
136 of Act No. 182/2006 Coll., On bankruptcy and methods of its solution, as amended
regulations against which no forced administration has been ordered under any other legal regulation
or is not in a similar situation under the law of the country of the supplier’s domicile.
The Contractor shall demonstrate in relation to the Czech Republic the fulfillment of the listed core capability
above by submitting:
– Extract from the Criminal Records Register in relation to Section 74 (1) a) ZZVZ,
– confirmation of the relevant tax office in relation to § 74 para. b) ZZVZ,
– a written declaration in relation to excise duty in relation to Section 74
(1) (b) the APIA and in relation to Section 74 (1) C),
– confirmation of the relevant ornamental social security administration in relation to § 74 paragraph 1
. d) ZZVZ,
– extract from the Commercial Register, or by submitting a written declaration in
in the case that it is not registered in the Commercial Register, in relation to § 74 para. E)
VI.4) Procedures for review
VI.4.1) Review points
Office for Protection of Competition
cl. Kpt. Jaroše 7
604 55
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 542167111
Fax: +420 542167112
VI.4.2) Body Responsible for Mediation Procedures
VI.4.3) Review procedure
Precise information on deadline (s) for review procedures:
The condition for submitting a proposal to the Office is to file objections to the Contracting Authority which are necessary
to deliver within 15 days of the date when the complainant became aware of the alleged violation of the law
By the Contracting Authority, but no later than the conclusion of the contract or until the time of the competition
the proposal is considered terminated after the selection of the proposal.
Objections to acts notified in documents that the Contracting Authority is obliged to do |
to publish or send to the complainant by law, must be delivered to the Advertiser within 15 days from their publication or delivery to the complainant. If the deadline for submitting applications for participation is set in the tender procedure, it must be objections against the conditions relating to the supplier’s qualification are delivered To the contracting entity no later than the end of this period.
If there is a deadline for the submission of tenders in the award procedure, objections must be raised against the tender dossier delivered to the Contracting Authority by the end of this period, at the latest the case of the negotiated procedure with publication must be objectionable to the tender dossier delivered to the Contracting Authority no later than the end of the period for the submission of the preliminary tenders.
Objections to the voluntary announcement of the intention to conclude a contract pursuant to Section 212 (2) of the Act shall be delivered to the Contracting Authority within 30 days of the publication of this notice. The Contracting Authority is required to settle the objections within 15 days. The proposal must be delivered to the Office i Contracting Party within 10 days of the date on which the complainant received the decision by which it The respondent rejected the objection or within 25 days of dispatch of the objection, if the Contracting Authority has not decided. After the conclusion of a public contract or a framework agreement, only the proposal can be submitted to impose a prohibition on performance of the contract, even without prior objection. Suggestion for imposing a ban on the performance of the contract will be delivered by the petitioner to the Office and in the copy to the Contracting Authority 1 month from the date on which the Advertiser published a contract notice in the manner prescribed pursuant to Section 212 (2) of the Act, stating the reason for awarding a public contract without publication of a notice of the opening of a tendering procedure, prior notice or invitations to tender in the simplified below – threshold procedure, but no later than 6 April months after the conclusion of this contract. Proposal for imposing a ban on performance of a contract pursuant to §254, paragraph 1, point. d) of the Act shall be delivered by the applicant to the Office and in the copy to the Contracting Authority within 1 month from the date on which the Advertiser published the contract notice on the contract on the basis of a framework agreement pursuant to Section 137 of the Act or the contract notice in dynamic purchasing system according to Section 142 of the Act, but not later than 6 months from the conclusion of this agreement. Within the deadline for the submission of the proposal, the petitioner is obliged to deposit on the account of the ÚOHS a deposit amounting to 1% of the bidder ‘s bid for the entire duration of the public contract or for the first four years of performance in the case of contracts of indefinite duration, but not less than 50 CZK 1,000, maximum of CZK 10,000,000. If the petitioner cannot determine the total bid price is required to deposit a deposit of CZK 100,000. When the petitioner is obliged to deposit a bail amount of 200 000 CZK. In the case of a procedure for reviewing the procedure for the award of concessions, it is the petitioner is obliged to deposit a deposit in the amount of 1 in the account of the Office % of the estimated value of the concession published in the Public Procurement Notice or on the Advertiser’s profile, but not less than CZK 50,000, up to a maximum of 10,000,000 CZK. In the event that the Contracting Authority does not publish in the Public Procurement Notice or on a profile of the Contracting Authority the expected value of the concession, the deposit of CZK 100,000. In the case of a proposal to impose a concession ban the Contractor is obliged to pay a deposit of CZK 200,000.
VI.4.4) Service from Which information about the review procedure May Be Obtained Office for Protection of Competition
cl. Kpt. Jaroše 7
604 55
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 542167111
Fax: +420 542167112
VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: