What is an ExO?

Exponential Organizations are characterized by accelerating growth in an unprecedented speed thanks to assets like community Big Data and sophisticated algorithms. They typically start out very flat, but once they start move, they are unstoppable.

These days you see ExO’s appear in the consumer marked with Holiday and Taxi portals but another characteristic of ExO’s is that they typically appear in industries with a high degree of monopoly.

ExO’s don’t have a big number of employees or physical offices. Instead they are based on information technology that collect, organize, use and expose data. ExO’s have a strong emphasis on reducing fixed costs. ExO’s seldom owe the product or service they offer and can thereby reduce costs to a minimum. Costs are furthermore reduced by outsourcing all non-DNA activities to the best of the best in the start-up communities and they use Social Communities to rapidly engage the parties around their service offering that gain the most of breaking the monopoly, if it be Clients or small players in the marked.


What about B2B ExO’s?

This October the start-up company Resiport enter the next phase in the development of the B2B IT Outsourcing Portal by offering free trials of the Search, Match & Select service. No sign-up and full anonymity for potential Clients.

The Freelance community has for years taken a stake of the Software Development market, but when it come to larger teams and established companies there has been a huge vacuum where only the big players on the market was in control. Resiport is up for the challenge and has during the year established the backbone of the service offering in cooperation with 600+ global IT outsourcing Providers. Each and every Provider have their company data audited and can now display their individual strengths to Clients that is in the need of a perfect match on project based software development outsourcing or long-term near-/offshore teams.

Resiport Analytics LinkedIn September 2015The success that Resiport has, is build on trust in the concept and personal engagement via Social Networks like Linkedin. Trust that has made Providers disclose business information that no Client (or Adviser) has been able to find upfront via Internet search engines, social networks or any other online service, so far. Small and medium sized businesses in all verticals will benefit from the the Resiport service by being able to find the best global match for their needs in hours instead of months. ‘One size, one country, fits all’ is hereby dead and buried.

Another aspect of the Resiport service is the business model. Others have had a similar approach as Resiport but have been directly involved in the outsourcing offering, either by having a stake in a Provider/Vendor organisation or by taking a stake of typically 15-20% of each deal made, diminishing their concept to a digital broker business. With a subscriber based model, Resiport has positioned itself as a business with all the characteristics of an ExO, and private investors has made it possible to make a Proof Of Concept and offer Clients as well as Providers free use of the service offering during the Beta program that last minimum all of 2015.

If Resiport will enter the Hall of fame of the top-100 ExO’s has to bee seen, but all the ingredients are there.

Pop-in at the end of October and let us convince you.