For the first time ever, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is about to change the cryptographic keys that help secure the Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS).”It is critical that Internet Service Providers and network operators around the world make certain they are ready for this change as failure to do so can result in their users being unable to look up domain names and thus be unable to reach any site on the Internet” said David Conrad, ICANN’s Chief Technology Officer. Conrad added, “Network operators should ensure they have up-to-date software, have enabled DNSSEC, and verified that their systems can update their keys automatically or they have processes in place to manually update to the new key by 1600 UTC on 11 October 2017.”
NOW is maybe a good time to double-check your ISP or network provider to ensure they have all procedures in place so that you will not be affected.
Source: Changing the Keys for the Internet’s Addressing System – Don’t Get Locked Out – ICANN