Executive summary: This research report is conducted by Resiport in September 2017 based on vision, mission and strategy statements from more than 900 global software outsourcing service providers registered on Resiport, www.resiport.com. The report furthermore includes the 10 most used keywords Clients have used on Resiport since 2015 with the aim of finding and preselecting potential partners. The purpose of the research is to find patterns in the vision, mission and strategy statements and a potential mismatch between what service providers communicate and what Clients search for.
A company vision is the foundation of the company and seeks to outline where a company is headed and what core values are guiding that journey. It tells the company’s purpose by focusing on the future and what the organization is set out to achieve. The vision statement often influences the company culture as it remains constant regardless of business climate, profit level, or sales cycle. Typically organizations chose to incorporate a list of 3 to 5 core values in the vision statement. The Vision is often very short and easy to communicate to employees and internal stakeholders. For service providers, the vision is a very important statement to communicate to clients, prospects, partners and external stakeholders.
The vision of Software Outsourcing Providers expressed by 50 keywords
In our research, we have analyzed the vision of more than 900 software outsourcing providers worldwide in order to find patterns and the most used keywords used in the statements. The outcome of the analysis is expressed in a wordcloud infographic consisting of the 50 most used keywords. Each keyword is weighted, i.e. font size indicates the frequency of a specific keyword.
10 most used keywords Clients use when searching for a potential partner
On the Resiport platform, premium Clients can combine multiple search criteria in order to find the best matching software outsourcing service provider that match their needs worldwide. For this report, the 10 most used keywords used by clients in the period 2015-01 to 2017-09 has been compiled.
This information is only accessible to registered users on the Resiport platform. (consider a freemium plan for instant access)
The mission statement is a clear delineation of company goals and how the vision is going to be accomplished, i.e. concrete and practical terms in a goal-oriented language.
The mission statement should include measurable objectives that can be used internally in the organization to evaluate whether individuals or activities will serve to help the company achieve its immediate mission and long-term vision. Especially for service providers the mission statement is just as important for external stakeholders such as clients and prospects. In the collaborative intensive engagements on more than a single project basis, it is vital that the two organizations are heading in the same direction. The real value of outsourcing can’t be leveraged without a partnership mindset and a common goal for the collaboration.
The mission may be modified over time, but it should always stay true to the company vision and values.
The mission of Software Outsourcing Providers expressed by 50 keywords
In our research, we have analyzed the mission of more than 900 software outsourcing providers worldwide in order to find patterns and the most used keywords used in the statements. The outcome of the analysis is expressed in a wordcloud infographic consisting of the 50 most used keywords. Each keyword is weighted, i.e. font size indicates the frequency of a specific keyword.
10 most used keywords Clients use when searching for a potential partner
On the Resiport platform, premium Clients can combine multiple search criteria in order to find the best matching software outsourcing service provider that match their needs worldwide. For this report, the 10 most used keywords used by clients in the period 2015-01 to 2017-09 has been compiled.
This information is only accessible to registered users on the Resiport platform. (consider a freemium plan for instant access)
A company strategy should include short- and long-term goals and should explain how those goals will be achieved. It is focused on present actions and outcomes needed to achieve the mission. Company strategies evolve and are updated over time to adjust for current factors such as local economic conditions and company needs.
Companies often issue a strategy for internal use only and a less sensitive communicated strategy for external use.
10 most used keywords Clients use when searching for a potential partner
On the Resiport platform, premium Clients can combine multiple search criteria in order to find the best matching software outsourcing service provider that match their needs worldwide. For this report, the 10 most used keywords used by clients in the period 2015-01 to 2017-09 has been compiled.
This information is only accessible to registered users on the Resiport platform. (consider a freemium plan for instant access)
Findings and Comments
As the premium Clients have access to very specific search criteria on the Resiport platform the keyword search in the vision, mission and strategy statements are mostly used as a final criterion when many service providers fulfill the highest priorities of the Client. Nevertheless, there seems to be a distinct mismatch between what the service providers communicate and what keywords the Clients are using in their search. As most Clients have expectations to the organizational maturity level of a potential partner the preselection of a service provider can be influenced by statements not aligned with best practices.
At Resiport we make data available to our Clients as self-service BI solutions and as managed services. In all cases, the outcome is information that enables the Client to make data-driven decisions as unbiased as possible. Our concept builds on a philosophy that the only entity in the ecosystem that really know the needs, priorities and quality parameters to define a “100% perfect matching partner” is the Client. In our opinion, there is not a one service provider that fits all.
We will leave it to service providers and clients worldwide to interpret and leverage the data in this report but hope that the information can lead to a communication of vision, mission, and strategy better aligned to Clients expectations.